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    • Jeanet Mashifana
      Post count: 11

      To be culturally competent in healthcare means understanding and respecting the unique cultural beliefs, practices, and values of patients and their families. It is about being aware of your own biases and assumptions, and being sensitive to the needs of the diverse patient populations.

      I once had a patient with Pulmonary fibrosis due to TB, whose condition deteriorated as her breathing shortened and her weight decreased. The doctors recommended a lung transplant but the patient’s father refused due to their Muslim faith. He stated that it is against their culture to have such done to their bodies. As a healthcare team, we had to be culturally sensitive and understand that the patient’s family had a way of life that had been part of their culture for years. We had to gain knowledge about their beliefs and be aware and mindful of the way we responded to the decision they made.

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