At our hospital, different members of the MDT (MOs, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapist, dietician and dentist) are allocated in-service slots to present a specific and relevant topic to the rest of team on the last Wednesday of every month. I (the speech therapist), was allocated my annual slot today. I had shared the Samantha Jiri’s blog post with the tea beforehand to read and reflect on prior to the meeting. My presentation covered the intro to ‘What is Palliatve Care’, the differences between paeds and adults, the disease trajectory and the ACT categories. Then as a team, we spend a long time discussing and reflecting on the blog post to determine what aspects impact our service-delivery and paediatric palliative care approach. All team members wore their hats today during the presentation and then have worn them for work today and during their ward rounds while seeing patients. Finally, as an MDT we have shared drive where I have added all the PATCH resources which I have downloaded as I have progressed through the various content and modules of this course for all team members to have access to. Although a follow up team in-service will be required, I feel the response from my members was very encouraging as they showed a lot of interest in working on improving this aspect of care at our hospital.
This was such a good idea. Well done
Wow, well done! Hats off(on) to you!
Well, done! This so interesting and motivating
That is such a good idea.
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