I am privileged to work in a really good Pediatric Oncology ward in state. I work with really dedicated and talented caring drs, nursing staff and a social worker. only recently has an OT and physiotherapist joined the MDT. The ward is currently being upgraded to engage the children’s imagination and make it a place where children can play, express themselves and be at ease. There are still limitations as compared to the projects that were presented in our study examples. Music, art and play therapy is still largely absent. I was truly humbled by what therapists are actually doing and offering to very sick children in differently equipped institutions. I must say I feel rather ignorant of the needs of children to actively play…yes, I’m a mommy of 2 kids, but never really, really understood the need for play – I mean my kids play and have their stuff, but it was really brought home to me from the topics, just how absolutely essential play is to health. Thank you for these lessons.