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    • Jeanet Mashifana
      Post count: 6

      Deciding whether to implement a Do Not Attempt Resuscitation (DNAR) or Allow Natural Death (AND) order for a child is very hard. It means accepting that the child is going to die and choosing not to intervene in their natural dying process. This decision can be heartbreaking for parents and healthcare professionals because it goes against the natural desire to save and extend lives (especially the principle of non-maleficence ethics). It also requires a thorough understanding of the child’s health condition and prognosis, along with the ability to communicate and empathize with the family. It’s a tough decision that demands a lot of compassion and courage.

      In my physiotherapy department, I find it challenging to treat patients who have had a stroke, especially when they live far away and can only visit once a month due to financial strain. If their blood pressure is elevated, I cannot perform any physical therapy as it may put them at risk of another stroke. This leaves me with no choice but to advise the patient on exercises they can do at home, but many of these patients live alone or are neglected and may not be able to follow my instructions. I feel frustrated and helpless in these situations as I cannot provide the level of care that I would like to for these patient.

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