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    • Mauriche Van der Merwe
      Post count: 7

      We have all been taught that there is no “I” in TEAM, or is there?

      I personally think the “I” in team should receive more attention and focus. Through my own personal health obstacles and those of my deceased daughter, I have noticed that I am the most influential member of any health team I am involved in. My own personal feelings and doubts tend to seep into the team and change the dynamic completely. Self-conflict is a huge issue in team members that doesn’t get the recognition or discussion it deserves and requires, because that self-conflict tends to change into team conflict without us even realising it in the moment. For example, If I made a mistake or misstep in my daughter’s medical regime, the self-conflict started to kick in, which led to me externally showing it by being critical in my husband’s doings with our daughter, I tended to be more critical of any healthcare professionals and questioned things that I knew where correct, but because my self doubt was so intense, I started doubting every other member’s actions. Thus the team dynamic becomes instantly more hostile and defensive, all because of my own inner conflict.

      I can only assume that this happens more often that we realise in an everyday healthcare team. When one member makes a mistake their self doubt kicks in which leads to doubt in the whole team, without even consciously realising it. Our own internal problems and issues tend to turn external really quickly, and doing it is not always a conscious decision we are making. It is purely human nature. I think healthcare teams or any other working team that needs to perform with great compassion and care should be educated in the importance of “Me, Myself and I” when it comes to team dynamics. We should start consciously doing introspection when we see team dynamics and environment changing, to ensure that we ourselves are not the cause of that change. And if we are, we should start by working on our own self-conflict and doubt foremost, before we look at external factors. Sometimes making a team work requires out of the box thinking.

    • Tracy
      Post count: 57

      Mauriche- what a pertinent and retrospective post and the title is so apt! Thank you for sharing so honestly and openly using a great example! I think you have hit the nail on the head when you discuss self-conflict and the impact it has on the team dynamic! Something I think we need to consider adding to the conflict topic in the course. Makes me also think that this can arise when we are experiencing compassion fatigue and possible burnout!

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